Friday, October 31, 2008


I love halloween. It means there is only one more day to go until I can start lugging out the Christmas decorations!!!. My little "monsters" will be sporting "Optimus Prime" And the Cutest Little "dragonfly" I have ever seen tonight. Thankfully my kids are still young enough that I can take them out for an hour and a half and that's plenty. At least the full moon has passed. At least in our family I got a phone call from Logan's teacher yesterday that he mooned the yard duty teacher!! I wasn't sure whether to laugh outloud or to be embarrassed. Well I don't do embarrassment very well so I laughed my butt off. Of course when he came home we talked about it and he now understands that he is not to bare any private parts in public. At least until he's a teenager. Here's hoping school gets easier for the students and the parents after the first year.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Serenity Now!!!

Well it has truly been one hell of a year.
I have had so little time to relax with my thoughts that I forgot my bloggin password! That was the sign to myself that it was time to restart my therapy. So here I am, resolved to start anew.
I cannot honestly say that I have enjoyed 2008. For one reason or another, it has been persistently biting me in the ass. Short form: Last spoke to my father in March or April, Best friends' 5 year relationship ends....not so well, Logan starts school ( Exciting but stressful), Kids getting sick with things they can't cure or fix, Every goddamn card I have expired (s) this year. what a pain in the ass. Truck needs major work, which we of course cannot afford. And here I am destined to spend yet another winter in this shoebox I call a house, with no room to breathe. Grrrrrr. But I was always taught you shouldn't go to sleep angry ( lol ya right who would sleep)
so I will end on a positive note. Since February of 2008 I have managed to lose 70 pounds. This is the one thing I can say about 2008(other than happy kids and spouse) that makes me smile. It's not been a smooth or easy ride, but it's working, and I am determined to keep on working it until I reach my goal. So blog. It's you and me again, and I am hoping that you are going to help me vent my crap out here, instead of on some poor unsuspecting passerby, and keep me sane. No pressure.