Sunday, October 26, 2008

Serenity Now!!!

Well it has truly been one hell of a year.
I have had so little time to relax with my thoughts that I forgot my bloggin password! That was the sign to myself that it was time to restart my therapy. So here I am, resolved to start anew.
I cannot honestly say that I have enjoyed 2008. For one reason or another, it has been persistently biting me in the ass. Short form: Last spoke to my father in March or April, Best friends' 5 year relationship ends....not so well, Logan starts school ( Exciting but stressful), Kids getting sick with things they can't cure or fix, Every goddamn card I have expired (s) this year. what a pain in the ass. Truck needs major work, which we of course cannot afford. And here I am destined to spend yet another winter in this shoebox I call a house, with no room to breathe. Grrrrrr. But I was always taught you shouldn't go to sleep angry ( lol ya right who would sleep)
so I will end on a positive note. Since February of 2008 I have managed to lose 70 pounds. This is the one thing I can say about 2008(other than happy kids and spouse) that makes me smile. It's not been a smooth or easy ride, but it's working, and I am determined to keep on working it until I reach my goal. So blog. It's you and me again, and I am hoping that you are going to help me vent my crap out here, instead of on some poor unsuspecting passerby, and keep me sane. No pressure.

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