Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just One

I can not even begin to explain how awful my day was at work today. I actually cried. I was so overwhelmed, and stressed, and running chicken like that I forgot the most important thing to remember in my new job. I am one person. I am one person, in a new position. I received one day of training, which was basically a tour. Now ...."Sink or Swim". What if I choose to tread water. Then what. The wonderful thing is....I have a boss. A few of them. One in particular that I report directly to. So I guess that means, if I have too much work, she either doesn't have enough, or she needs to hire. Either way, the resolution lies with her. No more unpaid overtime. No more buying my own supplies. No more being ignored when I have a question. I will do the best I can with what I have been given and the rest is up to her.

Sounds simple right... I had this wonderful epiphany as I watched my baby girl crawl for the first time tonight. Yesterday she cut her first tooth. My real job? My real job is at home. I go to work so I can enjoy more things with my family. Not to be so stressed out and overworked that I can't spend time with them. Tomorrow I try to start fresh. Spending the day with my kids, my night at work then off for 2..... o blog...I feel better already...where have you been.

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