Friday, September 21, 2007

What goes around comes around.

I find myself in a very precarious situation.

Four to five years ago I was married to a man who let's just say was not for me. My friends tried to tell me, but I was convinced I had done the best I could do. Turned out I was wrong. Luckily for me I finally grew backbone enough and ended the relationship. Now, 31/2 years later I am in a stable, loving relationship, with 2 wonderful kids.

My dilemma?

I have a friend. Whose husband is shall we asshole. He shows very little respect or regard for her physical or emotional well being. He does very little for his kids, as far as we the outside world can tell. He is 100% worried about himself. It all sounds a little too familiar. How do I help her? I find myself at a loss being on the other side. I know the only thing I can do, is be supportive of her and allow her to make her own decision. It is so frustrating. I don't want to see her continually sick, and tired and stressed, and alone. But how do I make her see that? I know there is love there. In those far too fleeting moments, you can hear it in her voice. Once in a blue moon he will do something selfless, (which I believe is almost always prompted by a phone call from her mother), and then you can see it in her face. When does the bad out-weigh the good? What does it take to see the whole picture? For me it was Logan. For her it will be something different I'm sure.

So I bite my tongue. Spend long hours on the phone. Buy stock in Tim Horton's, and keep gas in the tank.

To those friends I mentioned at the beginning. THANK YOU. I had no idea how much of a strain a bad personal relationship can have on a friendship.

Please, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

1 comment:

Cass said...

Hmmmm, being one of "those friends that were there", all I can suggest is to let her know exactly how you feel. You know we all did it, but if she starts hearing it here and there, she may take a step back and look at things differently. If worse comes to worse, you may have to step back yourself and let her realize that she will lose friends (and good ones, at that) because you don't want to see her spend her life being unhappy.
Hope that helps! 8-)