Saturday, September 15, 2007

Magical Powers

I have "MAGICAL POWERS". I didn't know it for sure until recently, but I certainly must have them. I think other people knew before me, because they seem to be using them better than I myself can. If I could only find a way to tap into them on a regular basis, I would have everything all figured out. I didn't actually discover them myself, but due to the way I have been treated by some of the people in my life lately, I feel this is the only answer.
According to these people I should be able to:
  1. Read minds
  2. Move faster than the speed of light
  3. Make money grow on trees
  4. Be in 2 places at once.

So for those people who seem to know that I have these powers, could you please help me figure out how to use them. I feel this would save us all a lot of time and energy. Especially energy wasted on me pulling my hair out when I can't figure it out on my own.

I think maybe I will make this a memo, and mail it to those in need.

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